The Cable Jacket Splitter is an ergonomically designed tool that allows the user to split the jacket on a variety of sizes of jacketed Underground Primary Concentric Neutral Cable.
• Reduces hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder trauma while removing the jacket from Underground Primary Cable. The splitter virtually eliminates all stress placed on body parts, when using the taping method, compared to other methods of jacket removal.
• The handle on the splitter is designed at an angle to keep the wrist in the "neutral ergonomic" position, if pushed manually. Pushing manually is not recommended for larger cables with thick jackets.
• Work on a variety of sizes of primary underground cable. On large cables taping the splitter is the recommended method.
• No need for special tools.
• Scoring and splitting the jacket is typically faster than other conventional methods. In field trials, time saved gave a payback for the tool in just a few jobs.